Fill out the registration form below and submit the registration fee.
Check (Made out to Dance Connection)
Venmo (@Danceconnectionmn) Fees Apply. See Below
Payment Options:
*Registration for the 24/25 season is now open.
How To Register:
Venmo Transaction Fee
Up to $70 add $1.50
$71-$100 add $2
$101-$150 add $3
$151-200 add $4
Please contact the Studio for Venmo payments above $200.
​Mailing Address: 1413 Century Corner Ln NE, Rochester 55906
Studio Address: 1618 Hwy 52 N Hillcrest Shopping Center, Rochester, MN 55901
Non-refundable Registration fee is $40/individual, $65/family.
Pricing can be found on the Class Schedule Page.