Policies & Details
Tuition is due the first lesson of the month.
Tuition remains the same whether there are 3, 4 or 5 lessons in a month.
There are no deductions in tuition for absences. Making up a missed class by attending a comparable class is always welcome.
Hair is expected to be put up and pulled away from the face. Buns are not required.
Ages 3- 7 years: Any color leotard, light pink, white or tan tights. Skirts are optional.
Ages 8+ years: Options include leotard with tights, leotard with bike shorts (form fitting shorts, not loose athletic shorts), leotard with Capri's and bike shorts/Capri's with a Tshirt.
Dress Code
Dance Shoes
Tap Class: Black Tap Shoes
Ballet Class and Jazzy Hip Hop ages 8-10 yrs: Pink Leather Ballet Shoes
Jazz/Kick/Hip Hop ages 11+ years: Tan Jazz Shoes​​
*Can be bought from Ama La Vita (formerly named Blades to Ballet)
Studio Closings
Halloween Night
Thanksgiving: Week of 11/25
Winter Break: 12/23 thru 1/3 (classes resume 1/6)
Spring Break: Week of 3/31
Please Note: Classes are in session on Presidents Day and MLK Day.
Observation of class (Parent Watch Day)
The week of 2/24/25
Recital Costumes
Dance Recital
5/10/25 1pm & 3pm